July Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the first edition of the Foxfire Learning Newsletter!


Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. For those of you who haven’t met me, my name is Charly and I really hope to meet you in person soon!

Why and when?

The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to share ways to observe and connect with what’s going on in the natural world. Content could be anything from what edible plants to look out for to information about campaigns by other organisations about different species to observe.


I plan to launch the physical offerings of Foxfire Learning later this year and would love to hear what YOU want from a nature-based organisation. I am really fortunate to have several strings to my bow, including being trained as a Forest School Practitioner and Teen Yoga Teacher, to name a couple! I’m also intensely curious about how we (and our children and young people) can connect more deeply with the natural world, believing that the gifts of nature connection are reciprocal - offering therapeutic benefits for our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing whilst empowering us to look after nature with more integrity and awareness.

I’ve created a survey to find out more about what YOU feel you or your community needs in terms of nature connection. Everybody’s voices are, of course, welcomed and encouraged here, whether you’re a parent, a teacher, an outdoor learning practitioner or all three, I would love to hear your experiences and opinions so that I can create an offering which is most relevant for YOU. The survey is anonymous (unless you leave your email address at the end!) and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. 

Complete the survey here: https://forms.gle/y4doAZNfoyZem2eVA

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this newsletter and take part in the Foxfire Learning survey on what YOU want to see offered by nature-based organisations.

As ever, feel free to connect over on social media: @foxfirelearning or email: hello@foxfirelearning.com

For now, take care, don’t forget marvel at nature and see you next month!

With love and gratitude,



August Newsletter