November Newsletter
Welcome to the November Edition of the Foxfire Learning Newsletter!
Happy November! I’m publishing this edition a little late as the short days and winter weather begin to take their toll and the darker evenings make us reach for the hot chocolate! I've certainly been hogging radiator space in my home to try to dry out soggy clothes and shoes, ready to deliver the next dark twilight teacher training.
Did any of you have a go at printing Tataki Zome style last month? I hope you managed to capture some beautiful prints using the last of the summer flowers and the beautiful Autumn leaves. I've had the joy of learning more about edible mushrooms and how to ID them this month with one method being to make a spore print. Want to know more? Then sign up to my newsletter by leaving your details below.
If like me, you felt disappointed by the outcome of the COP26 climate talks, here are some uplifting ideas for us to get mobilised at individual and community levels to help tackle climate change, even if our leaders continue to bury their heads in the sand:
Some ideas of how we can take action from the Wildlife Trusts:
1. Buying local, eating plant-based and reducing your food miles will shrink your carbon footprint.
2. Making small changes to how you get from A to B will make a big difference! Walking or cycling where you can will help reduce your footprint massively
3. Reducing your household energy use by switching to a renewable energy supplier or purchasing a heat pump will help cut down your energy usage.
4. Recycle, upcycle - and make do and mend! Production of household waste needs to decrease by 33% by 2037 to reach emissions targets.
5. Water metres, water-efficient appliances and water butts are just a few of the things that can help you reduce your water use.
6. Write to your local MP. The more of us who tell our MPs that we demand action to tackle climate change, the more likely policy will actually be debated and created in parliament.
Here's a full list of actions we can take, with links from the Wildlife Trusts.
And if you're interested in finding out more about your carbon footprint, WWF have this handy calculator.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this newsletter.
As ever, feel free to connect over on social media: @foxfirelearning or email:
For now, take care, don’t forget marvel at nature and see you next month!
With love and gratitude,