September Newsletter

Welcome to the September Edition of the Foxfire Learning Newsletter!

Happy new school term for those of you in England. I hope the return to school, or maybe first time ever at school for little ones, is going smoothly so far. If you're thinking ahead to your own learning for 2022, read on to find out more about a course for parents and educators which I'm launching later this Autumn.

In last month's newsletter I shared some news about international bat night which was celebrated on the last weekend of August. Were any of you lucky enough to spot our winged mammalian friends? Or even build a bat box? If you did I'd love to see your photos. You can email them to me or tag @foxfirelearning on social media.

September's foraging feature offers the opportunity to go a bit wilder than last month's trip to M&S (!) and I'm sure many of you have already spotted and scrumped several hedgerow treasures in this most amazing and abundant month for wild food.

As promised in August's newsletter I have some news to share about my upcoming nature-based programmes. Since August I've not only been busy brewing medicinal tinctures from foraged elderberries, but have begun putting together a course for anyone interested in boosting their Ecoliteracy (literally ecological literacy). To accommodate different geographical locations, the content of this course will predominantly be delivered online, with 3 optional in person get togethers in 2 locations to share plant wisdom and delicious foraged foods. The course will run from the Spring Equinox (20/03/2022) until the Autumn Equinox (23/09/2022).

If this is something you, or someone you know would be interested in, please register your interest via this google form which will be open to responses until Friday 19th November 2021.

To receive the full version of this newsletter into your email inbox, leave your email in the box below.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this newsletter.

As ever, feel free to connect over on social media: @foxfirelearning or email:

For now, take care, don’t forget marvel at nature and see you next month!

With love and gratitude,



October Newsletter


August Newsletter